I have been umming and ahhhing about doing this 365 challenge.
http://scrappingangelsuk.typepad.com/365_days/ I have seen similar ones one flickr and thought it was a cool idea. anyway Lisa has inspired mye to join in so today I have been playing catch up! I have made a journal for them to go in using the new BD Two scoops paper (thanks Sue for my sudden liking of BG, that's 4 ranges I now have!)

I won't bore you (if there is indeed anyone actually there!) with them all but here are my fav so far.
Prompt 1: "A day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charles Chaplain

Prompt 2: "I´m gonna make a change, For once in my life,It´s gonna feel real good, Gonna make a difference, Gonna make it right, I'm starting with the man in the mirror" - Micheal Jackson

Prompt 6 : Hold out your hands to feel the luxury of the sunbeams. - Helen Keller

Prompt 7: Look back and smile on perils past. - Sir Walter Scott

Prompt 8 : “The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!” - Coco Chanel

Black is my colour of choice with a hint of
Pink or Bling!
Prompt 9: Take time every day to do something ridiculous. - Philipa Walker

I play peek a boo with Ollie alot and as it turns out I do look ridiculous!
Prompt 12: Savor life's tiny delights---a crackling fire, a glorious sunset, a hug from a child, a walk with a friend, a cup of soup, a kiss behind the ear. - John Anthony

My delight is surfing the web when the boys are in bed. complete escapism from the world - I enter cyber space and time disappears.
Prompt 14:"Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.” - Bette Davis

Attempting the impossible - keeping the house clean and tidy. With the boys and me a "mess Monster (according to Will and Daddy!) this is a near impossible task but it would make for a happier less stressed house if I can do it!
Prompt 15: "Make rest and refreshment a necessity, not a luxury." - Dan Zadra

Prompt 16: "You, whose day it is, get out your rainbow colors and make it beautiful." - Traditional Nootka song

The colour in my world today - I painted my toes!