A Blog for my craftyness and anything else I care to ramble about!
Welcome to my blog!
This is my little corner of the 'tinternet where I can share my craftiness and glitter painty mess making! There may also be the old bits of baking and crochet.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Glenn's Scrapbook
Well I have been very busy over the last 3 weeks or so putting together a scrapbook for my brother's 30th birthday (which was monday) Anyway it has been a real labour of love - I promised Mum I would get it done for her and I think she would be pleased with the end result. I did 40 LO in all! Here are some of them :
Steph its awesome totally bloody gorgeous
Flippin fantastic bud!! I'm sure your brother loves it (and he does look gorgeous with the make up on!) and yes your mum would be very proud {hug}.
WAW WAW and WAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
these pictures don't do it justice.
This present for my 30th b'day was just so totally unexpected, i could never have wished for something so special.
I love it. I love you.
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