A Blog for my craftyness and anything else I care to ramble about!
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This is my little corner of the 'tinternet where I can share my craftiness and glitter painty mess making! There may also be the old bits of baking and crochet.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
365 Day Challenge - 47 & 48
Prompt 48: "Edward Scissor Hands" Was thinking about today's photo when Will asked to have his Play Doh out - The Play Doh mop top hair shop! So here is William Scissor hands!Prompt 47: "Chocolate" Chocolate Triffle good!!!!!!!!!!
Great photos like the chocolate pudding one especially
Fab pics, lovely choccie trifle! Little one looks like he's having fun too!
I miss play dough it's such a shame the children grow out of it isn't it. It looks like William is having a great time.
Choccie pudding looks yummy!
And i used to have a play doh mop top hair shop when i was little!!!
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