Right caught up on the prompts
Prompt 71: “First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, 'I believe,' three times. ” take a self portrait
Prompt 70: Balance
Prompt 69: Comfort
My comfort blanket! My Nan made it for me when I was 3. It now lives in my draw and only comes put when things are really bad!

Prompt 68: Patience
I know this is called solitaire but I grew up knowing it as patience

Great pics, love all your takes on the prompts! How lovely to still have something made for you as a child!
Great set of pictures Steph, loving all your takes on the prompts.
That was a pretty good balancing act you had going on there :)
Lovely pics. Really like the balance one.
love the comfort picture the most, really good stuff sis!
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