Prompt 112 : PRUDENCE - 1 : the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason

I am a sensible person but I over analyse everything and this sometimes causes me more stress
Prompt 111 : TEMPERENCE - abstinence from alcohol: total abstinence from alcoholic drink. 2. restraint: self-restraint in the face of temptation or desire ...

Hummmm certainly not virtuous here at all!
Prompt 110 : JUSTICE - The quality of being just; fairness. The principle of moral rightness; equity. Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude

I like to believe I am a fair person, I try to see the best and give the benefit of the doubt. I try and live my life by treating others as I would expect them to treat me.
Prompt 109 :FORTITUDE - strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage

Losing Mum I have learnt that I am actually stronger than I ever believed I could be, but that I also have Mum to thank for that.
Great pics and your words are true!
Do like the hammer picture fits the prompt so well.
Well done on the catch up. I agree these prompts have been really hard.
Great selection of photos Steph.
You have really done a great job with all your takes on the prompts and I am sure your Mum would be so pleased to see how strong you have been, she was obviously a very special lady.
I love your pictures especially this last one, its a great shot.
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