Monday, 30 June 2008
A to Z - J and K and No place like home
365 Day Challenge 182

Sunday, 29 June 2008
365 Day Challenge 180 & 181

Friday, 27 June 2008
Camping Mini book
365 Day Challenge 176 - 179
Prompt 179: "Past, Present, Future"
I do have an "interesting" past and I do think that for all it's ups and downs I am the person I am today because of those past experiences. As for the future well, who knows? My future is certainly looking very different from the future I had envisioned a couple of years ago, I didn't see myself being a full time mum, and I certainly didn't see my future with out my Mum but I have learnt that you don't know what the future holds so you need to make the most of your present.
Prompt 178: "Me , Myself and I"I enjoy time on my own, I always have. As a child I could entertain myself for hours, and as a teenage I would spend hours in my room on my own. I have learnt as an adult that actually having some "me time" is actually something I need, luckily Mike understands this and doesn't take it personally!
Prompt 177: "See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil"I see and hear evil in the world and I have had evil in my life but I try really hard not to speak any evil.
Prompt 176: "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"Humm I like to think I am a good person for the most part and hopefully most of me is good! However I am not perfect! My worst bad points are I am untidy, I may forgive but I NEVER forget.
My worst Ugly points I am stroppy, stubborn and my temper (if it ever appears) is nasty
Monday, 23 June 2008

Five facts:
10 years ago: I had just moved out of home to live in a rented house with work friends and had just been out on my first date with Mike!
5 things in today's 'to do list'
1. Finish camping mini book
2. Sort out list for "25th"
3. Sort out washing
4. Put away ironing
5. Finish Karyn's mini book
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate
2. Chocolate
3. Chocolate
4. Chocolate
5. Chocolate
5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1. Make sure all my loved ones were sorted out
2. Buy a craft shop
3. Move to a converted barn
4. Buy Mike a Nissan 350Z
5. See more of the world
5 places I have lived:
1. St Austell
2. Tadley
3. Thatcham
4. Southampton
5. Basingstoke
So now I am supposed to tag 5 people! Ummm Sue, Em, Lise, Glenn ummm and anyone else who wants to play!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
365 Day Challenge 173

Saturday, 21 June 2008
365 Day Challenge 170 - 172

Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Just 2 LO's tonight!
365 Day Challenge 169
What headline, made the news for you today?

Monday, 16 June 2008
More LO's!

Another LO
Dad had a knack of setting the bbq on fire!

"Fire" is made of clear letters with paint daubers, glitter and glossy accents. Paint stripes are daubers with pearlescent paint over the top.
can you spot me in my groovy socks and red shorts!
365 Day Challenge 167 & 168

Sunday, 15 June 2008
Weekly Challenge on UKS - use childhood photo, pink, stripes (alos something metal and something recycled which I didn't do!)This is me very scared on a very high Big Wheel, it's one of my Dad's fav photos of me.
So having been rifling through all the old photo's I found SO many I want to scrap. Here is one of my brother and I, checkout the 'ttude (NOT!)
LO inspired by kit image from old Mod Scraps kit
365 Day Challenge 165 & 166

I am a big kid alot of the time. I am the one in the ball pool or coming down a slide - I like having the excuse to be able to play in parks and the like.
Prompt 165: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.”
How many times have I wished I'd had my camera! I try and take my little compace everywhere these days but I do still miss a fantastic shot here and there