Prompt 164: “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. ”

I guess all we can really do is strive for these goals no matter how big or small and hope that we may one day achieve some of them otherwise what is the point? We all need something to aim/look forward too.
Prompt 163: “Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.”

Photo doesn't really relate to the qoute but I just got the idea! I feel very lucky to have several very good friends, some I have known for years and some quite "new"! Without them I do not know how I would have got through this year, love you all.
Prompt 162: “ 'Stay' is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary. ”

Now we all have kids I miss having friends stay over and chatting into the wee small hours.
Prompt 161: Clever Clogs - "Once upon a time there was a clever clogs and her name was you. I like: boys who wear glasses."

I love my glass wearing boy!
Prompt 160: Smiling - Sweet dizzy girl you make me always smiling. I like: gingerbread and tap dancing

Prompt 159: Higgledy Piggledy - Somedays when life is quite higgledy-piggledy then you are the only person who can help.

Mum was the one that I always turned to, sometimes all I needed to hear was her voice. I could thrash out any problem with her - I miss that daily natter, makes my whole being ache.
Some lovely journaling there and also fantastic photos
Lovely photos, and honest journalling, hope things get easier for you!
Some gorgeous photos and some heartfelt journalling :)
Lovely photos and great journalling!
Lovely photo of you hugging your mum {{{{{huggles}}}}}} for you in your loss.
Some fab photos this week and heartfelt journalling too :)
Steph your photos are always so inspiring. My thoughts are with you through this difficult few weeks.
Bloody hell steph, all them photos of you and NO cleavage shots????
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