This week we will be looking at music genres for inspiration for photography and journalling.
Prompt 190: "Glam Rock (also known as glitter rock) - performed by singers and musicians wearing outrageous clothes, makeup, hairstyles, and platform-soled boots"
What part of Glam Rock will inspire you today?
Prompt 190: "Glam Rock (also known as glitter rock) - performed by singers and musicians wearing outrageous clothes, makeup, hairstyles, and platform-soled boots"
What part of Glam Rock will inspire you today?

Well glitter of course! Now I better go and take it off before I forget I am wearing it or I will get some fun looks at Will's swimming lesson later (especially as it is only on one eye!!!!)
Brilliant photo, should have done both eyes!
wow you have done that well shame it is only on one eye.
That is great - I might just have to pinch this idea cos I'm totally uninspired by this prompt so far
Excellent, I wouldn't know where to start!LOL
Some great photos over the last few days. Brilliant today.
You really do have some great photos for these prompts. Inspired and well executed. Love them all :)
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