Prompt 318: Never say Never again
Today I swore (after 4 hours or ironing!) to NEVER let my ironing pile get quite so big again! Trouble is I say that every time it gets this way!
Prompt 317: Goldfinger
Prompt 316: Diamonds are Forever
I truely believe that when Mike gave me my engagment ring that it meant forever.
Prompt 315: How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward
Prompt 314: Today is Remembrance Sunday here in the UK. A time to remember all those lost in wars over theyears. We show our respect by wearing a red poppy, and 2 minutes silence at 11am.
Take time today to remember someone, something important.
Take time today to remember someone, something important.
I have been thinking about Mum alot recently, important doesn't quite cover it
Prompt 313: As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his

Had a FAB weekend with all the 365 girls - brilliant
Prompt 312: A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
I don't really think I am either of these things!
Prompt 311: Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
I certainly feel like this year has gone along way to me liking myself, I am certainly alot happier in front of the camera!
Prompt 310: No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds - November
Prompt 309: Happiness is the best facelift
I also believe that laughter is the best medicine - the boys have certainly provided that, and I feel they have helped me unbelievable with my grief over Mum.
Some really great photos there.
Love the ironing perched on your head lol
A real gold finger well done on actually painting it.
Glad this year of prompts is helping you to like yourself better.
Steph, you are one beautiful lady, so glad you are beginning to believe it yourself! Great pics!
Lovely collection of photos Steph, the challenge is obviously doing you some good. You are such a bubbly person!
Love the photos and well done catching up!
Great to 'know' you in real life now!
Great selection of photos Steph.
That ironing pile is scary!!!! Even bigger than mine.
I aways love coming here and seeing how you have interpreted the prompts. Just seeing your confidence grow in front and behind the camera this year is fantastic.
Also seeing your brilliant work is inspiring. So great to see some of it IRL at the weekend.
You are one really clever lady.
I can't add much to Kath's and Shirley's comments. You are seriously one talented and wonderfu lady and you need to have more belief in yourself ...
... and don't leave the ironing so long next time!!!
Great pictures Steph. Love the ironing pile one. Great to meet you at the weekend and seeing your lovely work IRL.
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