A Blog for my craftyness and anything else I care to ramble about!
Welcome to my blog!
This is my little corner of the 'tinternet where I can share my craftiness and glitter painty mess making! There may also be the old bits of baking and crochet.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
I recognise that face!
I was looking for some old photo's today and when I saw this one of me I couldn't believe how familiar the look was! Check it out for yourselves!
Bless him!!! Jack is the image of me.....could be worse he could be like his dad;-) - fab photo :) Love Sarah xx
Ha that made me chuckle!!! Still a cutie though!
Great expressions on both your faces....two peas in a pod :o)
So funny : )
Steph....you haven't changed !!!
lis x
Like Mother Like Son great piccies both of them.
Made me LOL! A chip off the old block (if you'll pardon the pun.......) :o)
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