Under my mum's stairs was a cupboard that my brother and I used as a den, and we drew on the stairs time machine controls!
You can't see it very well in the photo but there is netting sewed under the photo.
I love this photo of Mum and I (I can't really rememeber the photo being taking, I think Will had just been sick on me!!)
what a lovely photo - but WHY would you laugh like that if you had just been puked on!!!
Steph I love the 3D elements on this LO really pretty
Yea Sue you're right....Steph, why would you larf???!!!
This is one of those LO's you just have to see. It's completely beautiful and stunning and just so beautiful : ) One to display. Would you believe me if I said it took her a matter of minutes to put this together??? You speedy scrapper Steph.
Thanks for a lovely day, was great spending the day with you xx
Lovely LO's Steph. Great photo
Hi Steph, what are you like scrapping a photo of Will being sick on you but it is soooo fab I love it and all the others too.
Great Los STeph, Love the one where Will has been sick on you, a real Surprise!!!
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