A Blog for my craftyness and anything else I care to ramble about!
Welcome to my blog!
This is my little corner of the 'tinternet where I can share my craftiness and glitter painty mess making! There may also be the old bits of baking and crochet.
Friday, 4 March 2011
She Art workshop
I am currently taking part in the She Art workshop run by Christy at Scarlet Lime, and this is my first She girl! I am totally loving her and really enjoyed the process, I am already making 2 more! Question is where am I going to put them all!
Very funky, bit like you : )
I'm loving how Scraletlime is going. The site is looking really good x
She's lovely Steph. I've seen a few pieces of art coming out of that workshop. Do you get a template, or have you drawn her yourself?
You do get templates but I have done mine myself
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