Prompt 332: Laughter/laughing
Laughter is an audible expression, or appearance of merriment or happiness, or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure

I have lots in my life that makes me laugh, the biggest being the boys. I love that Mike makes me laugh, big old belly laughs out of no where!
Prompt 331: Sad/Sadness
Sadness is an emotion characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, and helplessness. When sad, people often become quiet, less energetic, and withdrawn. Sadness is considered to be the opposite of happiness

I have had my fair share of sadness in my life, especially since losing Mum. Sometimes it feels good to let it all out. Also I think it makes me who I am today.
prompt 330: Happiness/Happy
- Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy

I like to think that for the most part I am a happy person, I certainly have a lot to be happy about. However I think you need the lows in life to appreciate the highs.
Prompt 329: If you woke up this morning, it's time to celebrate
Today I found the picture that Anna took at the retreat - a nice photo of me, reason enough to celebrate!