
Welcome to my blog!

This is my little corner of the 'tinternet where I can share my craftiness and glitter painty mess making! There may also be the old bits of baking and crochet.

Monday 18 February 2008

365 Day Challenge - 49

Prompt 49: Sound of music - Have been thinking about Mum alot and this song means alot to me. Below are the lyrics, it's from the film Calender Girls.
I'll catch your smile on someone's face
Your whisper in the wind's embrace
Through diamond stars and songs and dreams
I find your love in everything

The sun, the sky, the rolling sea
All conspire to comfort me
From sorrow's edge life's beauty seems
To find your love in everything

I've come to trust the hope it bring
To find your love in everything.
Even as I fall apart,
Even through my shattered heart
I'll catch your smile on someone's face


knitkath said...

Steph, those lyrics are so beautiful, hope they bring you some comfort!

Mary B said...

They are lovely words, and is that a pink Ipod?
I find comfort in words I hope you do too

willowthewysp said...

Is there anyone, apart from me that doesn't have an ipod?!

Snake-Eyes Burt said...

in the words of Dylan "BIIIIG squeezy hug!!"